Family & Care-Giver Community Group

We are a group that gathers together together to connect with one another, God, and ourselves – through prayer, scripture, and sometimes song! Childcare provided.

Andrew & Eduardo – Scripture Group

A weekly, all gender group that seeks connection with Jesus and the world around us using the book of Acts as a basis. This group will incorporate time for personal check-ins, focus on others, and study of scripture.

Emily, Carter, & Matt 20’s-30’s

We are an all gender group of 20 and 30 year olds connected to Reservoir Church who gather weekly to share a meal together, build community and connection, and explore topics and themes related to Christianity and the life of Jesus, acknowledging attendees may have past experiences with church ranging from helpful to harmful and may even identify as post-evangelical, deconstructionist, or church questioning people. We are LGBTQ affirming, practice shared leadership models, and use a variety of methods to engage with group content.

Meeting at Reservoir’s campus.

Email:  [email protected]

Steve Watson – Sharing & Scripture exploration

Each week, we’ll spend half an hour in a structured time to connect, followed by an hour of Bible study. We’ll closely read a text each week, looking for things that surprise, delight, inspire, and provoke.
Reservoir Campus & On-line

LGBTQIA Gathering

Gather and connect with other LGBTQIA+ folks. We meet virtually twice a month on Monday nights with a focus on sharing our stories, connecting with others in community, and engaging in spiritual practices.

We also meet one Sunday a month for in-person brunch at the Reservoir campus!

Email Emmett Jorgenson, [email protected] for more information.

Titi & Mark – Reservoir Men’s Group

We will discuss recent sermons and scriptures and encourage each other and have a good time.

2nd & 4th Wednesdays

High school Group

Easy going atmosphere where high school students can connect, belong, and have fun together. Get to know one another over food, discuss tough questions and learn more about Jesus through great mentors and spiritual practices like the examen. End with prayer. No faith background necessary.

The Tolles

We meet on Sundays 4-7pm. Alternating weeks with babysitting and weeks as whole family/caregiver units. We are an all gender group of ~10+ people on any given week: 20s and 30s, single and married, kids and without, Christian and not, who get together to pray for one another. We talk about real life. 

Childcare provided.