Summer at Reservoir Starts June 23rd!
June 17, 2019
Starting Sunday, June 23rd, we’ll switch to having one 10:30 AM service each Sunday for the summer. We’ll switch back to our normal two services on September 8th.
We’ll have our annual potluck picnic on the playground, weather allowing, at around 12 PM after our service.
Some other stuff to note for the summer season:
- Starting this Sunday, we’ll make the permanent change of serving gluten-free and juice communion to the entire congregation at all communion stations (instead of having separate stations). We’re doing this to honor our core value of “Everyone”.
- Kids Church will take a break, but will have a short session from July 14th to August 11th.
- Most of our community groups will take a break for the summer, but you can find a list of active groups on our website.
- We’ll still have plenty going on, and you can keep up to date on any meet ups or events on our calendar.
- And of course, there’s still time to volunteer for Soccer Nights, running from June 24-June 28!