God-Soaked World Bible Guide – Day 35 - Reservoir Church
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God-Soaked World Bible Guide – Day 35

April 9, 2017

Sunday, April 9 – Selah (Review)

Taking our cue from the Psalms’ interlude moments of rest and meditation, we are practicing a weekly pause in our Bible guide. Each Sunday, we won’t introduce a new passage but will pause for reflection and review.

One way you can use this pause is for catch up. If you missed a day or more of the guide this week, you can look at one other day’s passage and enjoy it out of sequence.

A second way you can use this pause is to review one of the passages you especially enjoyed or that especially troubled you. Read it and the points of interest a second time, asking God to teach you something new and illumine something God would like you to notice. Try the spiritual exercise again and see where it takes you.

A final way you can use this pause is to touch base on the 40 Days of Faith experiment as a whole. Consider these prompts to do so.

  1. How has it gone praying every day for God to do something for you?
  • Has anything changed in your prayer, or in answer to your prayer?2) What has it been like to pray for your six?
  • Consider re-writing the six names below, or re-committing to prayer for six local people who seem to not be experiencing much from God.
  • Have you seen anything happen – either in you or in their lives – in response to your prayers?
  • Is there anything you would like to say to any of them?3) How have you experienced God’s goodness so far?
  • Did you perceive Jesus with you in any memorable way this week through the Immanuel prayer exercises?
  • Have you learned anything about God, or seen any ways in which you live in a God-soaked world?
  • Have you noticed anything that helps you engage with God’s presence with you?



Take a few minutes of silence with these questions, and see where they take you today. Close your time by thanking God for anything you notice, learn, or experience.