An Examen Prayer for the Long Pandemic Season - Reservoir Church
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An Examen Prayer for the Long Pandemic Season

August 13, 2021

Act I: My Personal Life


  • How has this pandemic, dating back to early 2020, changed my life for the worse? 
  • What have I lost? How have I suffered?
  • In what ways am I less hopeful, less grateful, less engaged in life?


  • How has this pandemic, dating back to early 2020, changed my life for the better? 
  • What (if anything) have I gained? How have I grown?
  • In what ways am I more hopeful, more grateful, more engaged in life?
  • What new, creative possibilities are in front of me today?

Act II: My Public Life in This Big World


  • How has our community or our country or our world changed for the worse? 
  • What collective injustices or sufferings have been exposed?
  • Where do many of us hurt?


  • How (if at all) has our community or our country or our world changed for the better? 
  • What collective possibilities for justice and peace and wholeness are emerging?
  • Where do many of us hope?

Act III: My Church, My Life in a Community of Faith


  • What (if anything) have I missed in my church involvement?
  • How have I been less connected to God or others? Are there ways this has made for less flourishing in my life?


  • What has changed in my faith or my church during the pandemic that I hope will stay true?
  • What do I hope to learn or grow in my faith that my church community can help with? What do I hope to receive?
  • How do I hope to participate in my community of faith this fall? What do I hope to give?

*Desolation, in the examen tradition, refers to what has in any way drawn us away from God’s love and goodness, what has lessened our energy and well-being and connection. With the desolation, we are invited to pray for guidance, hope, forgiveness, or courage.
*Consolation refers to what has in any way drawn us toward God’s love and goodness, what has increased vitality and well-being and connection in us. With the consolation, we are invited to pray with gratitude.