Emily, Carter, & Matt 20’s-30’s - Reservoir Church
Image Map
Image Map

community groups

thursday 7:30pm-9:00pm

  • location
    Reservoir Church Ministry Center
  • public transportation
    Walking distance from public transport, red line stops: Porter, Alewife, Davis
  • group leaders
    Carter Lowe, Matt Tvedte, Emily Lam
  • email
  • telephone


We are an all gender group of 20 and 30 year olds connected to Reservoir Church who gather weekly to share a meal together, build community and connection, and explore topics and themes related to Christianity and the life of Jesus, acknowledging attendees may have past experiences with church ranging from helpful to harmful and may even identify as post-evangelical, deconstructionist, or church questioning people. We are LGBTQ affirming, practice shared leadership models, and use a variety of methods to engage with group content.

Meeting at Reservoir's campus.

Email:  [email protected]