“Bagel Room” – Hosted by REDI Team - Reservoir Church
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“Bagel Room” – Hosted by REDI Team

September 13, 2022

Come join us for a special edition of the “Bagel Room” where we’ll get to meet others at Reservoir in a Zoom room for fellowship. This one will be hosted by the REDI (Reservoir’s Equity Diversity and Inclusion) Team and a bit more formal than usual Bagel Room.

The topic will be “Tell me a story about yourself.” You will be invited (not required but encouraged to share your story, as you listen to others’ stories!) to share a short story from your life. Each story will be limited to 5 minutes.

Come and share a childhood story, a funny story, a memorable experience from your own life! Register to attend on 9/18 at Noon and a Zoom link will be sent to you. Email [email protected] to register and for any questions.