Feeding Cambridge Families - Reservoir Church
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Feeding Cambridge Families

March 16, 2020

Hello Reservoir Church community!

You may know that many parents depend on Cambridge Public Schools (CPS) to feed their kids breakfast and lunch. With schools cancelled for at least three weeks, many now find themselves burdened with additional costs of childcare and feeding kids at home. We are leading an effort in partnership with CPS called Feeding Cambridge Families to make sure that no kids go hungry while schools are closed.

You can help Cambridge families feed their kids by making a donation to Feeding Cambridge Families today. 100% of donations received will go directly to Cambridge families most in need (determined by Cambridge Public School family liaisons who work closely with each school community). The money will be used to buy gift cards for families to use at local supermarkets like Star Market, Market Basket, and Target.

Donate here now: https://www.reservoirchurch.org/fcf/

Any questions about this program? See the FAQ on the page above or reach out to the team directly at [email protected].