Holy Week at Reservoir - Reservoir Church
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Holy Week at Reservoir

March 21, 2018

“Holy Week” is what followers of Jesus have called the week of Jesus’ death: including his reception into Jerusalem, his betrayal by his friend and follower, Judas, his arrest, and his execution. Followers of Jesus have often marked days in this week with special services. Here are a few we are offering in our community:

Palm Sunday – 3/25/2018

Reservoir Church Sanctuary, 9:30 and 11:30 AM

During our regular Sunday services on March 25, 2018 at 9:30 and 11:30 AM, we’ll be remembering what followers of Jesus have called “Palm Sunday”. We’ll commemorate Jesus’ warm reception into Jerusalem by the very people who would days later call for his execution by the state. We’ll echo this warm reception by the waving of palm branches — a centuries-old Palm Sunday tradition.

Holy Thursday – 3/29/2018

Reservoir Church Chapel, 6 – 7:30 PM

We’ll share a meal together. Then, Dan Archibald will tell the story of how Jesus washed his disciples’ feet before they shared their last meal together. Next, we’ll take part in a simple Communion: commemorating this last meal by sharing bread and wine at our tables. Following this, the children will lead the way in washing the feet of those in attendance. We’ll finish with a final prayer before ending our time together.

Good Friday – 3/30/2018

Reservoir Church Sanctuary, 7 – 8 PM

Join us for a contemplative prayer service commemorating what followers of Jesus have called “Good Friday”, the day that Jesus Christ was executed by crucifixion on a tree.

Find information about Easter Sunday Services