Reservoir Church Highlighted in Daily Beast Article About Lack of PPP Funding
April 23, 2020
[The following is an excerpt from a Daily Beast op-ed on April 22, 2020: “Banks are Letting the Coronavirus Snuff Out Our Churches.” Reservoir Church was interviewed to share about our experience with the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) non-profit application during the Covid outbreak. Subscribe to Daily Beast to read the article in its entirety.]
“…In the first round of PPP loans, few charitable organizations received funding compared to businesses. If the second round goes the same way, thousands of houses of worship across America will close and our country’s spiritual landscape will be forever changed.
This week, clergy members are leading tens of thousands of funerals; many are doing more than one a day. These are mostly graveside services with five or so people present. Pastors are helping families decide who should attend and who should stay home, and counseling grieving congregants who are making unimaginably difficult decisions.
Massachusetts Reservoir Church became a critical Red Cross donation site this past month, as hospitals ran out of space. Over 200 units of blood have been donated in the sanctuary, saving 600 lives. Donors included Congresswoman Katherine Clark and Pastor Steve Watson. In addition, the church partnered with Cambridge Public Schools to raise over $35,000 to get food to economically insecure families. Despite submitting their application early, Reservoir Church has still not recieved a PPP loan.”
Reservoir Church is an active member of the Greater Boston Interfaith Organization (GBIO), working with congregations across our city and country to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God. We do this by building relationships, organizing power, and working together for the public good.