Thank you! - Reservoir Church
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Thank you!

January 7, 2021

Hi, Friends,

Happy New Year! One of my kids showed me a meme that said we are now living in a year whose name tells us 2020-won. Get it?!? I’m going to go old time religion here, though, and curse that gloomy outlook of despair. This year, as with all years and all times, God is with us to together walk into a year of possibility for love, life, joy, and justice. 

As Ivy shared in Sunday’s spiritual practice – which featured this beautiful rendition of and visual response to Auld Lang Syne – may what sustained us last year carry us in this one. And may we see the many new opportunities God gives us for faith, hope, love, and freedom in the year to come!

Additionally, let me celebrate your generosity as a congregation one more time.  In the final week of 2020, you made additional year end gifts to the ministry of Reservoir Church, so that we will end last year above budget. Given the rocky year we had, that feels like its own miracle and puts us in a good position to continue online ministry in 2021 and also prepare for more in-person ministry, worship, and community together. 

You also gave $20,000 last month to our Neighboring and Justice fund, which enables us to launch our Beloved Community Fund with sufficient resources to bless many individuals and families this year. 

Last week, Reservoir Church also received thanks and praise from several partners in public life. The American Red Cross thanked us for surpassing 30 blood drives and nearly 1000 donations of blood in 2020. That included a visit from Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker and First Lady Lauren Baker, who both donated at Reservoir this past weekend. The City of Cambridge election commission also thanks and appreciates our church for serving as a polling location for two election days this year as well. And Greater Boston Interfaith has extended appreciation for Reservoir’s engagement in legislative accomplishments on public safety reform and health care equity and access. 

This Sunday, I look forward to speaking with you all as we start a winter Sunday mini-series in the parables, called “Stories Jesus Tells Us.” I hope to see you there at 10:00 on Zoom or anytime later over YouTube. 

Let me know if there are ways I can be praying for you, friends. It’s a joy to do so. 

